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فارسی عربي


Feature nominees for Iran fest jell

Feature-length film nominees for 2017 International Children and Youth Film Festival in Iran are revealed.

According to a Thursday press release on the festival's website, the nominee lists for subcategories of this major section includes films such as   ‘The Color Chocolate’ produced by Iraj Mohammadi Rouzbahani as well as ‘Little Heroes’ produced by Bita Mansouri for Best Film fo Childern.

Mohammad Ahmadi’s production ‘The Skier’ and ‘Twenty and One Days Later’ produced by Mohammadreza Shafah were among the nominees for Best Film fo Youth as well as Best Feature Film Director.

Meanwhile, short and medium-length films attending the 30th edition of the event were sifted out. ‘It Rains Slowly’ by Saeed Nejatee  is nominated for three subsections of Short and Medium Length strand, namely Best Director, Best Film, and Best Screenplay.

The International Film Festival for Children and Young Adults is organized annually by the Farabi Cinema Foundation in affiliation with the Iranian Organization of Cinema and Audiovisual Affairs.

The event celebrates films made for children and youth. It also supports emerging filmmakers with innovative cinematic visions and ideas.

The 30th edition of IFFCY has been slated for June 30 to July 6, 2017 in the Iranian city of Isfahan.

